Saturday, 1 February 2014

operating system


      Operating system is a type of software that allows computer hardware to communicate with software. A computer without OS is a mere machine.
Ex. DOS (Disk Operating System),Linux,Solaris,windows, vista etc.,.

                                                                 window 7 operating system

Types of operating system:

Graphical User Interface(GUI):
      GUI is an interface , which allows us to interact with electronic devices like mobiles, gaming devices and MP3 players using  some graphical icons.
Ex: Windows 98, Windows CE, System 7x

Multi-user operating system
          Application software which allows multiple users to access the computer with time sharing system.
Ex: Linux, UNIX, Windows 2000
Multiprocessor operating system
           An operating system which supports the utilization of two or more processors on single computer.
          An operating  system which supports  multiple processes at the time .


         This operating system will allow the software to perform some parts of program to run concurrently.

Friday, 31 January 2014

computer basics contd...

Control Unit
            This unit controls all inter-unit and inter-peripheral operations of computer. It selects, interprets and directs the execution of the program instructions, thus maintaining order and co-ordination of the entire system.
Arithmetic and Logic Unit(ALU)
             It performs the following functions:
  • Arithmetic calculations such as addition,subtraction,multiplication and division.
  • Logical decisions .
 To perform these functions
Control unit directs ALU ,what to do.
Memory feeds the data.
ALU performs the function and give the result.

       Bus is a circuit which provides a communication path between two or more devices. Microprocessor is connected to other units in the system by means of buses. Buses are of three types ,viz.,Address Bus,Data bus,and Control Bus.
       An address bus is used to specify the address of the memory from where data or instructions are to b sent or received. A data bus is used to send and receive data  in a microprocessor. Control bus is used to send or receive signals to coordinate the functioning of the processor with the input/output devices and memory.

Thursday, 30 January 2014





Central Processing Unit: This is the main unit of the computer,which is being responsible for processing.It consists of following sub units.
  • Memory
  • control Unit
  • ALU
         It is a device that can accept data,hold them and deliver them on demand at later time.This memory is also known as primary storage section (PSS). Various types of memories are discussed below.
Random Access Memory(RAM)
        During the execution of  a program, the data needed by the program is stored in RAM,which provides a volatile storage,i,e., the data is lost in the event of a power failure.Also whenever new data is stored in RAM,the earlier data is erased and the new data takes its place.So, RAM is used to stored a data and program temporarily.
Read Only Memory (ROM)
       The programs that are always needed for running the machine are stored in ROM. It provide a non-volatile storage ,i,e.,the data does not get erased ,when the power is switched off.Since this program is stored in ROM,so it starts as soon as the computer is switched on,and makes the system ready to load the OS program in the memory. But the contents of ROM cannot be change ,however for more specialised uses
where a user may like his own special functions or programs to be performed, it is preferable to fabricate a ROM,on which a user can write his own program. Such ROMs are called Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM). Although PROM is also not a flexible memory as the information in it cannot be altered. EPROM have been fabricated to meet this requirement.
Secondary Memory
      As the contents of RAM are stored on temporary basis that is all data and programs are erased as soon as power is switched off,so for storing the data/programs permanently secondary memory is used. Sometimes it is also known as Secondary Storage. A number of input/output devices are used for this purposes like floppy Disk,Hard Disk,Magnetic Disk or tape etc..
Cache Memory
     It is  very high speed memory which is used to store portion of a program from the main memory temporarily.Data is transfer automatically between cache memory(buffer) and the primary storage so that the buffer is usually invisible to the application programmer.


Friday, 24 January 2014

TACIT: who doesnt speak much/silent
sym: implicit,inferred

TRITE: very common /unoriginal.

WRY: mocking
sym: sardonic,droll.

ABBERATION: deviated from thing normally occured or performed.
sym: anomaly,defect.

CATALOGUE: making a list of all items of a particular series.
sym: directory,index.

DEBUNK:exposing the falseness of other/to deprove.
sym: deflate,expose,show up.

DISPERATE: fundamentally different.
sym: diverse,varied

DUBIOUS: douthfull/uncertain.
sym: suspicious,unreliable.

FEABIBLE: possible
sym: attainable,viable

INNATE: something wich came right from the time of birth.
sym: congenitial,ingrained.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

FACETIOUS: playfully humorous
sym: comical,droll,flippant.

FULMINATE: saying bad words to smebody/denounce loudly.
sym: furious,insense.

GARRULOUS: one who talks too much though not appreciated by others.
sym: verbose,loquacious.

LACONIC: not talkative/just talks to the point.
sym: concise,brief,monosyllabic.

LAMENT: showing regrete/express grief/mourns.
sym: bemoan,bewail,deplore.

PEJORATIVE: speaking negative tom humalisted others.
sym: derogetory,deprecatory.

RAPPORT: possitive feeling/agreement between two party.
sym: harmony, understanding.

REPARTEE: A very fast reply to other person and witty.
sym: wit,riposite.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

ADAGE: something which is used for a long time/ a wise old saying.
              sym: dictum,maxim

ADAMANT: one who is willing to do only his thought.
              sym: resolute,unbending

BRUSQUE: ruth behaviour
eg: this is how you behave in a brusque manner.
sym: curt,gruff

CANDOR/CANDOUR: sincerity/openess
sym: truthfullness,bluntness

CAVIL:finding unecessary/ small false
sym: depricate,carp

COMPELLING: forcefull and convincing/which cannot deny
sym: cogent,irrefutable,gripping

DIDACTIC: teaching a lot with instruction

DISPARAGE: talking in negative way
sym: denigrate,deprecate

EMPHATIC:-saying in repeatable way/forceful speech
sym: forcefull,vigorous,catagories

Monday, 20 January 2014



  a/an------- ----->not/without

Eg:1. Athiest----somebody not believe in God
       Theist-----believe in God.
2.Archy----rule/order of government.
   Anarchy—no rule/no govt.
3. Anonymous: ---A person without identity.
4. Apathy----no feeling/ emotion.

               ab----------------->away from

1.abduction: kidnap/taken away from his people.
2.aberrant: abnormal

                  bene/bon--------------->anything good/well

2.benevolent--who are philantrophis

1.chronology---study of things in timely order
2.chronic-----constant/say he has been suffering from chronic diesease.
3.chronicle---mantaining a record/history


 eg. circumstances----revolving around a particular situation.

               de-------------> from/down/away

2.derange---moving away/disturbing


1.dynamic------one who is full of energy
2.dynasty-----transfer of authority or power




Sunday, 19 January 2014

RETICENT: one who is not talkative/silent retirement from talking/shy
                    sym: reserved
SWAGGER: somebody who is bossful or strut
                    sym: show off ,parade

TEPID: something which is not too hot or too cold/say moderate in temperature.
                   sym: apethetic

TORPOR: laziness,inactive,dullness

TREPIDATION: Not sure/uncertainty

WARY: worry and scarry/on guard/watchfull



ABHOR: Absolutely horrible or to hate something
            Eg. I abhor all the TV shows.
            Syn:Detest, loathe, abominate.
DIFFIDENT:Opposite to confident/ lack in confident.
            Syn: timid,shy 
ENERVATE: To weaken the strength of health.
            Syn: tire out,fatigue
FRENETIC: Extreme excitement and action
            Syn: lunatic,untamed
IMPETUOUS: Impulse gets to us/characterized by certain energy/emotion.
            Syn:impulsive, passionate
IMPLACABLE: Someone who is not calm/who cannot be satisfied easily.
            Sym: pitiless,unforgiving
LISTLESS: weak/inactive/lazy
            Sym: indolent,languid,lethargic
MERCURIAL: subjected to extreme and rapid changes in mood .
            Eg.Im mercurial
RANCOROUS: Hateful/anger plus
            Eg: you are rancorous or resentfull.

Friday, 17 January 2014

NOUN and the VERB


COMMON NOUNS                                                                       PROPER NOUNS
         boy                                                                                                 john
         girl                                                                                                  mary

SINGULAR NOUNS                                                                       PLURAL NOUNS
        boy                                                                                                 boys
        girl                                                                                                  girls

                                                              PLURAL POSSESSIVE
       boy's                                                                                                boys'

Rules for changing singular noun to plural form:
Eg.Common  nouns:    pen--------->pens
      collective nouns:    Army------->armies

Plural of the nouns ending with 'x' , 'sh'  , or 'ch' is form by adding es.

eg: box----->boxes

'y'----before 'y' if a vovel comes ,then add only 's'.
  eg: donkey--->donkeys

Compound nouns form their plural by adding 's' to the importand word.
eg: mother-in-law------->mothers-in-law

Some nouns are used in singular form.
eg:This scenery is beautiful
     All this information was wrong.

Some nouns are having same form both singular and plural.
eg:this deer or these deer.

Some singular looks plural.

CONCRETE NOUNS:   which can see or touch.
ABSTRACT NOUNS:    cannt see but feeled.
       eg:Idea,honesty,bravery etc..
MATERISL NOUNS:     water,gold,wood.
COLLECTIVE NOUNS:  Group of things.
       eg: army,bunch etc..

The Verb

Definition:A verb is a  word that expresses the action or otherwise helps to make a statement .

Eg: He runs fast.

Kinds of Verb.
1.Action Verb: Express mental or physical action.
Eg: He rode the horse to victory.

2.Linking verb makes a statement by connecting the subject with a word that describes or explains it.
Eg: He has been sick.

A verb does two things in a sentance.

1. It shows action( or the state of being(eg. is,was) of the subject.
eg:The boy walks to school.
     The flower is beautiful.

2.It shows the time of action(the tense)
eg: The boy walked to school.